Minutes of Mettingham Parish Council

Annual General Meeting


Village Hall

Rectory Lane





Tuesday 9th May 2023



Mrs Lesley Hand


Mr E Williams

Vice Chairman

Mrs M Williams

Parish Clerk

Mr P Willer


Mr D Raven


Mr T Lay



One member of the public attended.


Following the uncontested election, at which time Mr James Servaes stepped down, the remaining Councillors were welcomed back. There remains one seat to be filled.

Returning Councillors signed their declaration of acceptance forms, countersigned by Mrs Williams.


Mr Willer proposed Mrs Hand as Chair, seconded by Mr Raven

Mr Lay proposed Mr Williams as Vice Chair, seconded by Mrs Hand



1. Apologies:

Tony Sprake


2. Minutes of the previous meeting

These were agreed and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.


3. Declaration of Interest



4. Matters Arising

The Post Office in Bungay is now situated in the Bungay Shopper.

Following the meeting with Suffolk Highways, walking around a large part of the village in early 2022, most of their findings have been followed up.

An update regarding the possibility of an “Unsuitable for HGV” sign at the end of Vicarage Lane onto the B1062 has not been received. The clerk will follow this up.

The culvert and road drain at Alder Farm on the Low Road has been assessed and signed off.

The hedges on Mill Hill have been cut.


5. Financial Statement

The balance at the end of the year 2022-23 was £1667.05


6. Invitation to Parishioners to ask questions of the council

No questions


7. Date of next Meeting

To be confirmed


The meeting finished at 7.20pm